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My research...

iceberg photo

So, you really want to know more about my research, eh? You'll be sorry! =)

My current research

I'm a PhD student at The University of Alabama, Department of Geology.

My research is related to the glacial history of the Antarctica. My methods include:

  • High resolution multichannel seismic data in the Ross Sea.
  • Fuzzy model of the 2D stratigraphic architecture in the Ross Sea.

I did my MS here, also. The title was Plio-Pleistocene Seismic Facies Cycles of the Eastern Ross Sea: A Quantitative Approach. The text should be here on this site as soon as I can convert some of my figures to a web-viewable format. My MS methods include:

  • I used high resolution single channel seismic data in the Ross Sea.
  • I then used Q-mode factor analysis to study the lateral variations of the seismic facies.
  • I applied a markovian analysis to the results of the factor analysis to study the vertical associations.
  • I used these techniques to understand the controlling processes involved in the deposition and preservation of seismic facies on a glaciated margin.

Some of my side projects include:

  • High-resolution multichannel land seismic data used to help plan remediation in environmental cleanup sites.
  • Neural networks used to identify seismic facies

"The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by The University of Alabama"