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(You asked for it!)

cool cat drawing


Well, you asked for it-- here it is...

A bit about me...

I'm a PhD student at The University of Alabama, Department of Geology. If you want to find out more about this, hit my research page.

I'm very interested in the problems that women in science have to deal with. Some really good sites on this are:

Some other women-oriented sites I like to frequent include:

My husband, Victor and I have two animals in our family. They're cute and holy terrors, each in their own right.

  • Leo is our cat-- a cat Hinz-57 if there ever was! Sometime we'll actually get his page up.
  • Sabaka, our Siberian Husky. She's a 3-year-old spoiled dog.

I've been a vegetarian for about 7-8 years. I started because I didn't like meat, but have continued for religious and ethical regions. If you have friends or relatives who are vegetarian and you are not, please read ***. Some good vegetarian sites floating around the web include:

There is a lot more to say, but...

"The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by The University of Alabama"