AgDragon's Survey of World Religions

In my spare time I like to study about the World's religions. What you'll find here is a set of links and other tidbits of information I've uncovered during my search.

Table of Contents

Unitarian Universalism

I am a member of a Unitarian Universalist fellowship in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Unitarian Universalism (UU-ism) is a liberal religion. UU's are a varied bunch, to the point that if you were to ask two (or two hundred) UU's what they believed, you would get two (or two hundred) different answers! There are Christian UU's, Hindu UU's, Buddhist UU's, Pagan UU's, Athiest UU's, etc. UU-ism is a doctrineless faith, but there are a few Principles and Purposes that most UU's hold up. To learn more, see my UU page.


Hinduism is a new study of mine. I was drawn to it through some very wise friends. Hindus make up a large portion of the world's religious population. They are found all over the globe, particularly in India where over 90% of all Hindus live. Hindus are almost as varied as UU's are. To learn more, see my Hinduism page.

(Neo-) Paganism

The neo-pagan movement consist of a variety of faiths, most which have a basis (or an attempt at a basis) in historical earth-centered religions. Pagans aren't the evil Satanists that the fundamental Christians might have you believe. In fact, Satanism is not a pagan tradition. Pagan traditions, which include Wicca, Druidism, Goddess Worship, and a variety of others, do not believe in the Christian Satan-figure, although the early Christian church stole the look of the Greek god Pan for Satan. Just like with UU-ism, Hinduism, and most other general religions, modern Paganism cannot be easily boiled down to one or two sentences.


Wicca is based on the pre-Christian, European earth-centered religions. The Divine is (usually) seen as a God and a Goddess. The basis of this religion is the fertility of the land. Wicca is probably the most common, most reachable religion in modern Paganism.


Modern Druidism is based on the ancient Celtic religion. The Druids were scholars, scientists, and musicians. They underwent a long period of training before being able to claim the title. Modern Druids are found all over the world.


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