Welcome to Janel Andersen's Homepage!

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More about Antarctica

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Penguin drawing


Welcome to my newest, and hopefully last homepage. I accidently deleted my first, and best homepage and am finally getting around to removing my temporary one with this, hopefully better one...

A bit about me...

I'm a PhD student at The University of Alabama, Department of Geology.

My research is related to the glacial history of the Antarctica. See my research page for more info.

I did my MS here, also. The title was Plio-Pleistocene Seismic Facies Cycles of the Eastern Ross Sea: A Quantitative Approach. Again, see my research for more information.

Some of my side projects include:

  • working on a new high-resolution land seismic source that can be used to map out stratigraphy in environmental cleanup studies
  • using neural networks to identify seismic facies
  • the uses of computers in the geosciences.

Personal Information

Here's some links to some family and friends.

Previous Education

"The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of the page author. The contents of this page have not been reviewed or approved by The University of Alabama"