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Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religion. UU's are a varied bunch, to the point that if you were to ask two (or two hundred) UU's what they believed, you would get two (or two hundred) different answers! There are Christian UU's, Hindu UU's, Buddhist UU's, Pagan UU's, Athiest UU's, Humanist UU's, etc. UU-ism is a doctrineless faith, but there are a few Principles and Purposes that most UU's hold up. These Principles and Purposes are:

Principles and Purposes

Famous UU's

There have been many famous UU's through the years. Some of the more notable folks include: Horace Mann, Paul Revere, Florence Nightingale, Susan B. Anthony, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Isaac Newton, Alexander Graham Bell, Henry David Thoreau, Beatrix Potter, Ralph Waldo Emmerson, e.e. cummings, and many more! See Famous UU's for a more complete list with more links!

A Brief UU History

The history of the UU movement starts with the very beginnings of Christianity.

The UUA has a very good history of the faith at:

What happens at a UU Church?

On any given day a variety of services might be held at UU Fellowships and Churches around the world. There may be a Christian service, nearly unrecognizeable from any other Protestant church service happening at the same moment. At another location a discussion group may be meeting, talking about a variety of topics, such as social justice. At still another location an outdoor ritual may be happening, celebrating the interdependant Web of all existance. Yet other places there may be an Islamic service, Buddhist meditation, or just about anything else you could imagine! Each Church is very different, so if you don't find what you're looking for at one Church, try another!

The Links

Since there is so much to say about UU-ism, I believe that a list of links can express the diversity of this non-faith much better than a bunch of text.

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