First, they shed. They shed a lot.
Sabaka starts shedding in February and doesn't stop until December,
butthere are two good months of non-shedding per year!
Now, we live in Alabama so this is not
typical of your results.
Second, they get bored very easily. Huskies are very intelligent and social animals which mean that they need a lot of attention, company, and toys. Still, they might get bored and when they do... Watch out! If they are outdoors most of the time, your yard will look like the Lunar surface, with many craters. Sabaka quite enjoys digging up roots and then eating them. Go figure. If they are indoor animals they will probably chew up your furniture.
Third, they are extremely hard to train. Either be prepared to be embarrased when you are out on walks because you are getting taken for the walk or expect to spend many, many hours working with them to heel. We've found that a daily walk with a choker collar ** keeps Sabaka from being too bad, but if someone comes up to see her-- all training is forgotten! (For a good site on training, see Dr. P's - Dog Training.)
Fourth, they are not watch dogs. If you want a watch dog, do not get a Husky. They are extremely friendly dogs to everyone and do not make much noise (except to howl with the sirens). If you want a good dog with Husky blood that will also be a decent watch dog, try a Husky-Shepard mix. These dogs get the best of both breeds.
Fifth, (are you still with me?) don't get a dog from a pet store, please!? I know you have probably heard this many times before, but please think about this before you decide to purchase a puppy from a pet store. Here are some good links that can state this case much more eloquently than I can.
Here's a reason why puppy mills are bad. Prisoners for Profit
Here's a list of breeders by state. Not all breeders are on here-- the one I got Sabaka from is not listed, but it's a start at least. SHCA Breeder Referral Directory
Sixth, make sure you have a well-fenced yard. Huskies were bred to run, and run they do. Make sure the fence is fairly high (5 ft.) or else they may jump over. It is good to sink the fence below the ground because (see 1) they love to dig and will be quite happy to dig their way out. If you can't sink the fence, we've had good luck just putting a set of bricks in front of the fence to make it harder to dig out.
Seventh, and this is really for those people who live in warmer climes. Don't let anyone tell you that it is cruel for a Husky to live in the south. Their fur is an insulator and will insulate just as well from the heat as from the cold. Your dog may have less fat than her northern cousins, but it does not hurt them to live someplace warm. With this said, if they are to live outdoors, please have a well shaded area and a small kiddie pool for them to sleep/play in. Sabaka will climb in her pool and dig (trying to dig a cool nest) to cool off in the warm months. She will also dig in the dirt when it's warm to make a nice cool nest to sleep in.
Eighth, Huskies are MOOCHES! They will beg for food at every opportunity. Don't let them get away with it (even though they can be really cute) because it will only encourage them. Really. They aren't to be trusted anywhere there is food laying about-- especially the kitchen! Also, if you didn't know don't let your dog have chocolate. Please don't let them have chocolate-- it is toxic in dogs.
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